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The Pros and Cons of Los Angeles Public Library Tutoring

The Pros and Cons of Los Angeles Public Library Tutoring

Did you know that the Los Angeles Public Library has free tutoring options available for students in grades K-12 and even adult learners? They have volunteer homework helpers to provide online assistance with math, science, English, social studies, and AP and introductory college classes. The goal of the free tutoring program is to provide the students in Los Angeles County with critical educational and career preparedness support. Tutoring 4 Less also offers online tutoring and homework support services for a huge range of subjects. What are the advantages of both?

Homework Help from the Los Angeles Public Library or Tutoring 4 Less

With a free option available at the library, you may be wondering how  a professional tutoring center is different and whether it’s worth the price. The main difference between the services offered by the LAPL and Tutoring 4 Less is that the Library offers a free service staffed by volunteers, while Tutoring 4 Less is a professional tutoring center with years of experience providing tutoring for Los Angeles students. This difference manifests in several key ways.

  • Structure: All Tutoring 4 Less tutoring sessions, while adapted to a student’s particular needs, follow a particular structure, a lesson plan to ensure that the standards of our organization are upheld. LAPL works with volunteers, so there is not as cohesive a structure as you may find elsewhere.
  • Consistency: The LAPL offers virtual tutors who volunteer, meaning that they are not beholden to consistent schedules. Your child may have an amazing tutor that really works with their particular learning style one week, but the next week struggles with another tutor who has not yet built that rapport. Tutoring 4 Less offers in-person or online tutoring with one of our professional, credentialed tutors assigned to support your student and build an effective rapport with them over the course of their sessions.
  • Credentials: While the LAPL sources tutors that are professionally trained and experienced, their credentials might be from different areas of the United States and not current or applicable to California. Tutoring 4 Less’ tutors are all qualified and up-to-date with their professional and safety certifications.
  • Availability: The LAPL program offers tutoring help 12 hours a day between 11am and 11pm. Students are required to have a Los Angeles library card and a computer or mobile device with internet access. Tutoring 4 Less offers online tutoring but also has a homework center where students can work, in South Gate.
  • Versatility: While the LAPL program can help students with homework, professional tutors such as Tutoring 4 Less can assist with test preparation and academic intervention.
  • Accountability: Working through Tutoring 4 Less’ specific program, our tutors monitor a student’s progress consistently and discuss said progress with the student’s parents. This is not a system that the LAPL program can emulate.

While the LAPL offers a great program for those in need of free tutoring, a professional tutoring center such as Tutoring 4 Less will get better results for your young academic by developing a long-term relationship in order to best support their learning style and round out their study skills.

Find out how our 100% bilingual tutors and staff can support your child’s learning today.

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