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Help For Elementary-Aged Children Struggling With Reading

Help For Elementary-Aged Children Struggling With Reading

Struggling with Reading

At Tutoring4Less, we know that the early years of a child’s education are crucial for laying the foundation for future success in reading and academics. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, early childhood experiences from birth to age 8 affect the development of the brain’s architecture, which provides the foundation for all future learning, behavior and health. A strong foundation helps children develop the skills they need to become well-functioning adults. If your elementary school-aged child is struggling with reading, we want to assure you that there is hope and help available. Our tutoring center in Los Angeles specializes in early intervention and is committed to helping students advance by as much as a grade level through our tailored tutoring programs.

Child Struggling with Reading? Recognizing Early Signs

The journey to becoming a proficient reader begins in the elementary years. As a parent or caretaker, you can recognize early signs of reading difficulties, such as struggling with phonics, comprehension, or fluency. Once you have identified the signs, early intervention is key to preventing these challenges from becoming long-term obstacles to your child’s academic success. Some of the signs include:

  • Difficulty with Phonemic Awareness: Struggling to recognize and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in words. Difficulty rhyming words or identifying words that begin or end with the same sound.
  • Slow Vocabulary Growth: Limited vocabulary compared to same-age peers. Difficulty remembering and using new words in context.
  • Poor Letter Recognition: Difficulty in recognizing and naming letters of the alphabet. Struggles with letter-sound correspondences (phonics).
  • Difficulty with Decoding: Struggling to sound out unfamiliar words. Frequent mispronunciations of words.
  • Problems with Fluency: Reading at a slow and choppy pace. Difficulty reading aloud with proper expression and intonation.

Creating a Reading-Enriched Environment

At home, you can create a reading-enriched environment that fosters a love for reading. Surround your child with age-appropriate books and designate a cozy reading corner. Having a wide variety of genres, from picture books to chapter books, non-fiction to fiction, allows children to explore different themes and discover their reading preferences. Regularly updating the book selection with new and engaging titles keeps their enthusiasm for reading alive. Additionally, involve your child in choosing books, allowing them to have a say in what they read, which can enhance their sense of ownership and excitement. Make reading a daily ritual by setting aside time for both independent reading and reading together as a family. By creating a supportive environment that is literacy-rich, children have more opportunities to practice literacy skills including: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, listening and speaking in authentic ways.

Reading Aloud Together

Reading aloud with your child is a powerful tool to boost their reading skills and comprehension. Choose engaging books that align with their interests and reading level. When children are regularly exposed to the sophisticated language of quality literature, they learn how to apply their cognitive abilities to understand the text. Take turns reading and encourage discussions about the story to enhance their comprehension. And, reading aloud with children provides benefits for adults too! The quality time spent together promotes bonding and strengthens relationships, making it easier for children to develop their social, communication, and interpersonal skills.

Practice Phonics and Vocabulary

If you’re the parent of a beginning reader, chances are you’re hearing a lot about phonics. Phonics is knowing that sounds and letters have a relationship. In other words, it is the link between what we say and what we can read and write. Phonics offers beginning readers the tools they need to sound out words. For example, kids learn that the letter D has the sound of /d/ as in dart. Down the road, they’ll learn how to combine letter sounds to make words like dog. Children benefit from practicing phonics and building their vocabulary. Incorporate fun games, flashcards, and phonics apps into their learning routine to make these  skills enjoyable.

Encourage Consistency and a Growth Mindset

Consistency in reading practice is essential for improvement. Establish a regular reading routine and encourage a growth mindset in your child. A growth mindset occurs when we believe our intelligence and abilities can be improved with effort and the right strategies. A willingness to confront challenges, a passion for learning, and viewing failure as a springboard for growth are all characteristics associated with a growth mindset. To cultivate a growth mindset in your child, teach them that making mistakes is part of the learning process, and effort leads to progress. Avoid negative language or labels and focus on their growth and achievements.

Encourage your child to embrace challenges and see them as opportunities for growth rather than as failures. Provide constructive feedback that focuses on effort and strategies rather than labeling their abilities. Celebrate their progress and achievements along the way, highlighting the connection between hard work and improvement. By fostering a growth mindset, you empower your child with the resilience and determination needed to overcome reading challenges and become a more confident and proficient reader.

Seek A Professional Reading Assessment

If you suspect that your child is facing reading difficulties, consider seeking a professional assessment. Start by consulting with your child’s teacher or school’s reading specialist. They may be able to conduct an initial assessment or recommend a qualified educational psychologist or reading specialist who can conduct a more comprehensive evaluation. These professionals have the expertise to assess various aspects of reading, including phonemic awareness, decoding skills, comprehension, and fluency. The assessment may involve standardized tests, observations, and interviews to gather a complete picture of your child’s reading abilities and challenges. A reading specialist or educational psychologist can provide valuable insights into your child’s unique needs. Early diagnosis enables targeted interventions and ensures that your child receives the support they require. At Tutoring4Less, we offer a free assessment to thoroughly evaluate your child’s reading strengths and weaknesses. Tutoring4Less is able to accurately assess a student and determine their current academic need, and grade level, in as little as 15 minutes. Once the assessment is completed and processed, the Tutoring4Less staff will be able to determine an accurate understanding of your student’s current academic need and level.

The Tutoring4Less Advantage For Children Learning To Read

If your child continues to face reading challenges, our tutoring center in Los Angeles specializes in elementary school-aged children, offering personalized one-on-one tutoring programs. We have a track record of helping students advance by as much as a grade level through our evidence-based strategies and individualized support. The tutors at Tutoring4Less are more than just great educators, they are positive mentors and influential role models. Our tutors consist of college students, college graduates and career educators that provide students with a positive outlook on education.

Elementary school is a critical time for your child’s reading development. Early intervention and support can make a significant difference in their ability to excel in reading and academics. At Tutoring4Less, we are dedicated to helping elementary school-aged students overcome reading challenges and reach their full potential. With our proven tutoring programs in Los Angeles, we can help your child advance by as much as a grade level. Together, we can empower your child to become a confident and proficient reader, setting them on a path to success in their educational journey. Don’t wait any longer – take the first step towards your child’s success! Reach out to Tutoring4Less now, and let’s ignite your passion for learning and excellence together. Your future self will thank you for it! Contact us today to get started!

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